
Re-thinking our approach to the discussions important in our lives.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Having Fun

I'm all about having fun. Whether it's youth soccer, bicycle commuting, or conservation, I'm going to put in more effort when I'm having fun.

The Carbon Conscious Consumer (C3) is making it more fun to reduce our carbon footprint. Each month, they challenge individuals to make a pledge to change their behavior in simple but effective ways. Some recent pledges have been:

  • Buy locally grown food.
  • Make fewer trips by car.
  • Don't buy bottled water.
  • Reduce your junk mail.

C3's website has articles and commentary explaining how much of an impact these actions have on our environment.

This month, C3 is asking us to pledge to reduce the number of hot-water laundry loads to 1 out of 5 loads. I'm asking you to take the pledge by signing up with C3 by clicking the C3 image at the right-hand side of this page.

Oh, and if you spread the word to others, you have a chance to win prizes.

Environmental Education. Fun facts to share (for example, each liter of bottled water takes 3 liters of fresh water and a quarter-cup of oil to put on your shelf). A cool website with an image showing how you've contributed. OK, it's not as much fun as Disneyworld, but it's not bad for helping save the planet.



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